14 January 2010

6th January

I must have been here 4 or 5 months, when HE shaved my pubes off. Yeah, my pubic hair. He said it was dirty messy, and it had to go. That was about the time I noticed my periods were almost nothing. I hated having them before, but at least they meant I was normal. Now normal is Nothing. It was really suck having Him shave me, cause He kept having to touch me and I hate that. And He kept nicking me with the blade. He used a straight razor like on cowboy movies instead of a regular razor. At least it was clean an sharp, not rusty and painfully dull (like Him). I tried not to move but I couldn’t help it, it hurt, and it was really humiliating having His hands there, but I didn’t have much choice. None actually. It was worse when it started growing back because it was really itchy. I actually read a mothers article about how women do this voluntarily when they have babies. Are they nuts?! He comes in to shave me on a sort of semi-regular basis, and it doesn’t get any better. Nothing does.

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